
bonus material


Fine-Tuning Bookmarks

A guide to getting started with the paperspace port of AUTOMATIC1111’s web UI for ppl who get nervous

A guide to getting the Deforum stable diffusion notebook running on paperspace

Organizing your prompts (つ✧ω✧)つ

My Image Synth Hub

a base template that you can add to

My Image Synth Hub (extended)

this one has a “Variations” and a “Related to” parameter, and a tab that displays Relations. might make it easier to keep track of how prompts grow & relate to each other

me looking at my output rendering in google colab

me looking at my output rendering in google colab

me daydreaming about databases

me daydreaming about databases


Style Studies Template

this is the one we use for the Stable Diffusion Studies! feel free to use this to do whatever
